Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What's the dilly with Philly??

Yesterday was Tim's big interview for his transfer to Philly (if by some miracle you hadn't noticed that yet HA!). We were so excited. Of course we wanted to move to Philly - my immediate and much of my extended family is down there and it would be a HUGE step in furthering Tim's career...the sky's the limit! PLUS my dream to become a doula is MUCH more attainable down there for a lot of reasons.

But we had made peace about staying here too. Here in Rochester, we have Tim's family, friends and we decided if the transfer didn't work out, we'd buy a house. Also very exciting. Going into this weekend, we were ready to have a clear "YES" or "NO" answer, and also be happy with whichever it was.

What we got was a definite "MAYBE." What the...?!?!?!

It's very very complicated, but in short - our expectations for Tim's job down there were kinda met. When he came home from the interview yesterday, he was VERY excited. He WANTS the job really bad. BUT when he started explaining the details, I got discouraged because everything was still vague! Frustrating!!!

Here's the biggest detail; They didn't OFFICIALLY offer him the job yesterday, because they ("they" being the hiring manager and the branch manager) didn't know whether to offer him the Tech A position or the Tech B position. What's the difference?? Tech B is one step closer to becoming an engineer and potentially more money! Originally, he was interviewing for the Tech A position, but they were EXTREMELY impressed by him and needed a day to talk things over...and we don't know exactly what that means.

So here we are...waiting again. We're still on the fence, but leaning HEAVILY toward moving down there. You see, they gave Tim kind of a "worst case, but likely scenario" as far as what he'd be making, and it's still very do-able...kinda. (like I said - complicated.)

This move isn't going to be without difficulty, though. We've decided that we will buy a house as soon as we get down there, so IF he takes the job, we'll be living with my parents til we find, bid on and close on a house *yikes!* There's 4 of them and 4 of us - 4 adults, 2 teenagers, 2 toddlers and 3 dogs all under one roof?!? Plus, it'll be my SIXTH move (3rd time moving to a new state) in 2.5 years!! Then, moving from my parents house to where ever we end up will be our SEVENTH move. Gimme a break, man!! I'm TIRED of moving!!!!!!

Anyway, we still need thoughts and prayers!! We still don't know anything for sure!!

prayer requests:
  1. We will get an answer SOON! And it will be undeniably "yes" or "no"
  2. If the answer is "yes" then the company will offer Tim the Tech B position and more money
  3. I won't lose my mind in the whole process
  4. My children won't go completely crazy because I'm completely crazy right now


  1. Did you realize that "dilly" and "philly" rhyme?? ;)

  2. as a matter of fact, I did! i did it on purpose ;)

  3. wow thats alot of things up in the air at once. I will be praying for you guys, that you will see clearly what God's plan is, especially during the WAITING! Please update as soon as you know something.


  4. Thanks for updating us:) We're praying for God's best for you guys! Waiting is hard, but it's in that season we find our renewed strength! Can't wait to hear!

  5. PLEASE MOVE HERE NOW! I'll start looking at houses in Levittown for you!! haha! That all sounds promising! Very excited to see what God does!

  6. Michele! I really hope it works out for you guys!

    God timing will be best :)

  7. We've been praying for you guys!! Moving is hard, especially with the little ones in tow! Did you guys make it back to NY? Or are you still in Philly?
